14 Benefits of Maca Root

Maca is a plant that grows in central Peru in the high plateaus of the Andes mountains. It has been cultivated as a vegetable crop in Peru for at least 3000 years. Maca is a relative of the radish and has an odor similar to butterscotch. Its root is used to make medicine.” (1) The benefits of Maca have long been valued and has gained more and more popularity in recent years. Culture is awakening to the fact that Maca carries a long list of nourishment to the body. The amazing thing about Maca is that it is an adaptogen, meaning it adapts to the needs of your body.

1. Peruvian culture. It has been known to increase the libido among men and women!
2. Improves Fertility – Black Maca has been known to increase sperm count and volume in men and Red Maca has been known to balance female hormones and ovulation cycles.
3. Regulates Hormone Balance – Maca has a vast variety of amino acids, which are known as the building blocks of hormones.
4. Reduces Depression – When you take Maca regularly, Maca can work to increase positive emotional moods. Maca has a very unique nutrient called macamides, which aid in decreasing depression and anxiety.
5. Reduces Anxiety – Maca has a positive effect on your individual mood and can help to reduce any self-perceived anxiety.
6. Helps with Menopause – Many Maca uses report a significant decrease in hot flashes after using Maca powder.
7. Enhances Mental Clarity – Black Maca has been shown to have a beneficial effect on learning and memory. Maca is safe for both children and adults!
8. Improves Blood Circulation – a very interesting property of Maca, is that it has been seen to improve blood circulation.
9. Improves Acne – When acne is related to hormone imbalance, taking Maca can be very productive for improving hormonal acne.
10. Improves Muscle Gain – More and more athletes and bodybuilders are using Maca powder to increase their athletic performance.
11. Improves Thyroid Function – Due to the hormone balancing properties in Maca, it has been known to stimulate thyroid function.
12. Improves Strong Teeth and Bones – Black Maca is great for increasing bone density and strength.
13. Improves Skin Tone – Maca has a strong nutrient content and hormone balancing effect on our skin.
14. Improves Hair Growth – Maca has been traditionally used to stimulate hair growth, as well as prevent hair loss.